Notice: fwrite(): write of 588 bytes failed with errno=122 Disk quota exceeded in /home4/youmj1981/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/vendor/wordfence/wf-waf/src/lib/storage/file.php on line 42

who we are

CG is a collaborative family of highly creative designers and expert engineers who are driven by the purpose of shaping the future of architecture and engineering developments. We make quality buildings with attention to the science of architecture and infusion of arts. Our teams are dedicated to creating remarkable experiences while enhancing the quality of life for people and communities.

What we do

We make quality buildings with attention to the science of architecture and infusion of arts. Our teams are dedicated to creating remarkable experiences while enhancing the quality of life for people and communities.

With a solid record of success, we continue to build on our experiences and synchronize with the ever-changing sociocultural needs to deliver innovative, tailored, and viable design solutions.

All rights reserved to Consultancy Group 2023

Notice: fwrite(): write of 588 bytes failed with errno=122 Disk quota exceeded in /home4/youmj1981/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/vendor/wordfence/wf-waf/src/lib/storage/file.php on line 42

Fatal error: Uncaught wfWAFStorageFileException: Unable to verify temporary file contents for atomic writing. in /home4/youmj1981/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/vendor/wordfence/wf-waf/src/lib/storage/file.php:51 Stack trace: #0 /home4/youmj1981/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/vendor/wordfence/wf-waf/src/lib/storage/file.php(658): wfWAFStorageFile::atomicFilePutContents('/home4/youmj198...', '<?php exit('Acc...') #1 [internal function]: wfWAFStorageFile->saveConfig('livewaf') #2 {main} thrown in /home4/youmj1981/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/vendor/wordfence/wf-waf/src/lib/storage/file.php on line 51